Europe Forum

Finland used to lack a platform for a shared conversation on the EU between citizens, politicians and various societal actors. The Europe Forum has filled that gap: it has become a meeting place for dialogue about the future of Finland and the EU. The Europe Forum, held in Turku, needed support with event planning and producing, conceptualization, stakeholder relations and strategic communications for the Forum.

Eurofacts offered background support for planning the Forum. When the concept was ready, we offered support services for stakeholder relations, strategic communications and event production.

The result is a growing, developing, international and engaging hybrid event which has established a firm place on the Finnish civic events calendar. The number of attendees at the Forum has grown year on year since its establishment.

Strategic communications

Eurofacts helped the Forum with strategic communications. It has done this by selecting current, interesting topics, helping the client formulate the event’s core messages, and identifying the audiences that are critical for the event’s success.

Stakeholder relations

Eurofacts has assisted the Forum in its relationships with political, public-sector, business and corporate stakeholders.

Stakeholder events

Eurofacts designed and organized stakeholder events on the fringes of the official Europe Forum programme.


Eurofacts produced a podcast series for the Europe Forum which served as an introduction to the event itself.

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